Refugees and Jihadists – Helmut Dahmer
En: Conversatorio: PARIS-SIRIA, TARATA-AYACUCHO El terror reconocido y el terror desconocido
11 de diciembre de 2015
Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends,
Tonight I will present to you some information and interpretations concerning a double phenomenon, that is actually of great concern in Western Europe (as in the United States). Here in Perú the era of Sendero luminoso-(or „Shining path“) assaults, of terror and counter-terror are gone since 15 or 20 years, and I think, nowadays people here don’t like very much to remember those dark times, when – as the Truth-Commission later found out – 69.000 victims have been killed.
In western Europe, in Germany as well as in Austria, in France as well as in Belgium, in Great Britain or in Spain, the central problems of this summer and autumn have been first: the ever swelling stream of refugees. One or one and a half million of men, women and children were fleeing out of Afghanistan, Syria and Iraq, others came out of Africa (Nigeria, Somalia) or from the Maghreb-countries. Additional some ten thousands left Chechnya, Albania or Kosovo, also more or less “failed states”, ruined by war. They chose two main routes, one over several countries, the other one over the Mediterranean Sea, where hundreds or perhaps thousands of them drowned, when their brittle boats sunk.
The other possible route of migration was that via Turkey and Greece and then further on route through the Balkan-countries. (I know, that Perú also is acquainted with the problem of “inner” migration, for during the dark decennia of terror and counter-terror thousands of refugees from the high Andes were streaming into the center of the city of Lima or to the favelas surrounding Lima, where they hoped to find some security and perhaps even a job.)
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